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Building from source

Install Anaconda

Install Anaconda. You’ll want to use a Python 3 version.

After installing Anaconda, you’ll need to restart your shell, to pick up its environment variable modifications (i.e. the path to the conda tool and shell integrations).

For Microsoft Windows, you’ll also need the Visual C++ compiler (2017+) and the Windows SDK, following the Bazel-on-Windows instructions.

Install bazelisk

The Bazelisk tool is a wrapper for bazel which provides the ability to enfore a particular version of Bazel.

Download the latest version for your platform and place the executable somewhere in your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin). You will also need to mark it as executable. Example:

mv bazelisk-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bazelisk

Configure the build

Use the configure script to configure your build. Note: the configure script requires Python 3.

By default, running the configure script will:

  • Create and/or update your conda environment
  • Configure pre-commit hooks for development purposes
  • Configure bazelisk based on your host OS

On Windows, use:

python configure

Here’s an example session:

$ ./configure
Configuring PlaidML build environment

conda found at: /usr/local/miniconda3/bin/conda
Creating conda environment from: $HOME/src/plaidml/environment.yml

Searching for pre-commit in: $HOME/src/plaidml/.cenv/bin
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

bazelisk version
Bazelisk version: v0.0.8
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
Build label: 0.28.1
Build target: bazel-out/darwin-opt/bin/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/BazelServer_deploy.jar
Build time: Fri Jul 19 15:22:50 2019 (1563549770)
Build timestamp: 1563549770
Build timestamp as int: 1563549770

Using variant: macos_x86_64

Your build is configured.
Use the following to run all unit tests:

bazelisk test //...

Build the PlaidML Python wheel

bazelisk build //plaidml:wheel

Install the PlaidML Python wheel

pip install -U bazel-bin/plaidml/wheel.pkg/dist/*.whl

PlaidML with nGraph

Follow these instructions if you are wanting to work with the PlaidML backend.

Building the nGraph PlaidML backend requires that you’ve installed the PlaidML Python wheel. You can do this by running:

pip install plaidml

or by following the instructions for building the PlaidML Python Wheel, above.

When the PlaidML wheel is installed, the default nGraph build contains the PlaidML backend. From the nGraph source directory, you can run:

mkdir build
cd build
make install

Running the build with the above options will install nGraph into ~/ngraph_plaidml_dist. When you do not explicitly use -DNGRAPH_CPU_ENABLE=FALSE, the default build enables CPU for operations.

After running make and make install, be sure to set the environment variables to the correct location where the libraries were built. Continuing the above example, this would be as follows for each respective OS:


Most Linux distributions support LD_LIBRARY_PATH; consult the distribution’s documentation for specifics.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/ngraph_plaidml_dist/lib
export NGRAPH_CPP_BUILD_PATH=~/ngraph_plaidml_dist


MacOS usually requires use of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/ngraph_plaidml_dist/lib
export NGRAPH_CPP_BUILD_PATH=~/ngraph_plaidml_dist

Microsoft Windows

Windows requires that dynamic libraries are on your PATH.

set PATH=%PATH%:~/ngraph_plaidml_dist


  • To run the tests on experimental device #0, try something like ~/path/to/ngraph/build/test/unit-test --gtest_filter=PlaidML.*.

  • To run nBench, try something like ~/ngraph_plaidml_dist/bin/nbench -b "PlaidML:0" -f ~/test/model_inference_batch1_float32.json.

    This runs the nGraph model specified in the file given by the -f option on non-experimental device #0. If you want to use an experimental device, set the environment variable PLAIDML_EXPERIMENTAL=1.

PlaidML with Keras

The PlaidML-Keras Python Wheel contains the code needed for integration with Keras.

You can get the latest release of the PlaidML-Keras Python Wheel by running:

pip install plaidml-keras

You can also build and install the wheel from source.

Set up a build environment

Follow the setup instructions for building the PlaidML Python Wheel, above.

Build the PlaidML-Keras wheel

bazelisk build //plaidml/keras:wheel

Install the PlaidML-Keras Python wheel

  pip install -U bazel-bin/plaidml/keras/wheel.pkg/dist/*.whl

Testing PlaidML

Unit tests are executed through bazel:

bazelisk test //...

Unit tests for frontends are marked manual and must be executed individually (requires running plaidml-setup prior to execution)

bazelisk run //plaidml/keras:backend_test

Custom Hardware Configuration

Custom configuration can be set by producing a .json file. Here is an example with two device configurations specified:

"platform": {
    "@type": "",
    "hardware_configs": [
        "description": "Intel *HD Graphics GPU config",
        "sel": {
        "and": {
            "sel": [
                "name_regex": ".*HD Graphics.*"
                "platform_regex": "Metal.*"
        "settings": {
        "threads": 128,
        "vec_size": 4,
        "mem_width": 256,
        "max_mem": 16000,
        "max_regs": 16000,
        "goal_groups": 6,
        "goal_flops_per_byte": 50
        "description": "Intel Iris GPU config",
        "sel": {
        "and": {
            "sel": [
                "name_regex": ".*Iris.*"
                "platform_regex": "Metal.*"
        "settings": {
        "threads": 128,
        "vec_size": 4,
        "mem_width": 256,
        "max_mem": 16000,
        "max_regs": 16000,
        "goal_groups": 6,
        "goal_flops_per_byte": 50,
        "use_global": true

The custom configuration file can be read into PlaidML by setting the enviornment variable PLAIDML_EXPERIMENTAL_CONFIG to point to the custom .json file. PlaidML will then read the custom configuration file and list it as a device when running plaidml-setup.